1. What is Ghosting and Flare?
- This link showed different types of flares and ghosts and how you achieved them. They are created by the positioning of the sun and how the lights reflects on the lenses.
- I learned how to create lens flares so they don't obstruct the entire photo.
- I could use this to be more creative in my shots.
2. 45 Beautiful Motion Blur Photos
- On this link there was pictures that people had taken with lots of motion and their shutter speed was slow. There was lots lots of different types of blur with lights, people, and objects.
- I learned how the blur and lights make a picture seem a little more 3D.
- I picked this photo because how the water is frozen looks like it is still moving and it is very three dimensional.
- I see simplicity.
- Maciek Burgielski took the photo.
3. Jeremy Cowart: polaroid
-This website was his portfolio of pictures. The polaroid ones were my favorite because the film was dusty looking and they weren't as sharp as the pictures you get today.
- I learned how many different effects you could get using an older camera.
-I picked this photo because I love the different colors from the usual spot on ness of photos and the persons position in the air is interesting.
- I see lines and balance.
- Jeremy Cowart took the photos
4. Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial
- I got to see the steps to make a picture look like a model scenery. The original photo was already a little cartoony, but after they layered all the effects and shifted the picture a couple different ways it looked even more fake.
- I learned how to pick out what part of the picture i want to blur or keep in focus.
- I could use what i learned in class to in hanse my photos and add an unreal effect.
-This expanded my knowledge about photoshop and how i can use more of the effects it has.
5. 60 Beautiful examples of Night Photography
- On this website there were lots of photos people had taken at night. To get all the light they needed to get the photo to show you could tell the shutter was open for a while because you can see the motion blur.
- I learned to get night photos to work out well you have to leave the shutter open for longer.
-I picked this photo because i like the different materials the buildings were made of how they contrast, and how the clouds and moon play off each other with the light.
- I see framing.
- I couldn't get to the original website to see who took the photo.