Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fashion Photography

Face Changes:
  1. Her lips were made larger
  2. Her neck was elongated
  3. Her eyes are lowered and made larger
  4. Her face is made slimmer
Body Changes
  1. Lips and nose are made smaller
  2. Eyes are enlarged
  3. Stomach is made flatter
  4. Legs are made longer
  5. feet are made smaller
  6. Change her skin tone
  7. Butt is made smaller
Model Changes:
  1. Her entire body is made smaller
  2. Her waist is slimmed
  3. Her head is made smaller
  4. Her hair is made longer
It is not ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like shown in the videos because it is not showing that person's true beauty and it gives the people who see those photos a false since of beauty that is not achievable and cause the eating disorders we have today. I think any change somebody makes to a person's appearance is ethically wrong to the same extent because it all masks that person't true appearance. I think maybe taking out blemishes or scars are ok because those are things that the person might want removed but everything else is wrong. Fashion photography tries to hide the truth of a person's appearance while photojournalism tries to tell the complete truth and a story through one or more pictures. Fashion photography is what you see in ads and magazines that people try to look like, but what most of the people like in magazines is not obtainable unless the person does it through unhealthy means. People look at photojournalism in newspapers in print and online and they look at the photos to get a better understanding of the story but most of the time the photos are not altered to they tell the complete truth. I think you are showing us these videos to show us what not to do to the people in our photos. None of the videos are of guys because a guys body is not as high scrutinized as a woman's so the editors don't change their body's as drastically as the do the woman's.

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