Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Academic Shoot Reflection

A challenge that I had while getting these photos was having the students not look at me. People would look right at the camera and i would have to tell them to get back to their work. Something that I thought about a lot was trying to get a shot with good balance. Not a lot of the classes had good setups to get a balance shot so you had to be creative, but I still was not quite successful. If I could do this project again I would like to try different angles and i would like to take more photos so i could have had a better section to choose from. I would still keep my framing picture because I think that one was the most successful and I would  probably go to the same classes because they had a lot of students and activities going on that I could choose to shoot. For my next prompt I think the easiest rule to achieve will be simplicity and rule of thirds because there is many different thing you could achieve with those rules to get interesting pictures. I think the hardest rule to capture is balance because you need a certain amount of people or objects to make the picture look balanced and it is sometimes hard to find that. One rule that I am still not entirely clear on is lines and how to capture a good picture that has lines leading to the subject. It is not entirely that I am unsure about lines, but how to get a good picture using lines.    

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