Rule of Thirds
I believe that I followed the rule correctly. My subject, the two guys in the right hand side, is easy to see because they are the only people doing work so your eyes are drawn to them.
I believe that I could have followed the rule a little bit more. My subjects are the people around the table doing notes, but it could have been more balanced if I had gotten the fourth person in the photo.
I think that i followed the rule pretty well. The boy is the main subject and he takes up most of the photo. I think I could have gotten closer to him so he would take up more of the photo, but it is obvious that he is the main subject.
I believe that i followed the rule because you can see the lines that the blinds make, and also the lines that the chairs make with students. My subjects are the students doing their work because the lines define all the students.
I think that i followed this rule really well because you can see the students framing the girl in the red hoodie really clearly. You can clearly see that girl in the red hoodie is the subject because the two students close up create a border around he and draw your eyes to the girl.
This is a merger because the boy and girl at the front of the class are both wearing red and have dark hair so they seem to merge together.